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What is mindfulness and why mindfulness for kids?

Mindfulness is present moment awareness, an open and friendly willingness to understand what is going on in and around you. It means living in the present moment (which is not the same as thinking about the present moment) without judging or ignoring anything or getting carried away by the pressures of everyday life. 


Mindfulness for kids meets a great need for parents and children to find physical and mental calm. But calmness is not enough, awareness is also needed. Eline Snel developed a program for children called the Eline Snel method and it is based on Jon Kabat-Zinn's eight week mindfulness program for adults.


Children are often busy just like adults. They have trouble sleeping , are easily distracted and often restless. Their heads are full of troubling thoughts. The "on switch" works fine but where is the "off-switch"?

By introducing mindfulness at a young age they learn to observe and to concentrate better, to be in contact with their bodies and to calm themselves down.






Which kids benefit from mindfulness

Mindfulness exercises are suitable for all children age five and up who want to calm the thoughts in their head, learn to feel and understand their emotions and improve their concentration. 


They also suit children who suffer from low self-esteem and need reassurance that it is okay to be themselves. A lot of kids are extremely insecure, they worry and then deal with their distorted self-image by either withdrawing or drawing attention to themselves, by trying to please others or being selfish, or by bullying or acting rough. They become trapped in behavioral patterns that dont serve them. 


The exercises are also suitable for children diagnosed with AD(H)D, dyslexia and autism. Mindfulness is not a form of therapy but it can be quite therapeutic in that it can give kids a different approach to dealing with very real issues such as an emotional storm or a compulsion to act on every impulse or thought.



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